Introducing Unique's quantometer device

 The stationary quantometer device manufactured by the Control System Abzar Novin Company under the brand name Unique’s with unique specifications and suitable quality can be provided for steel, aluminum, copper and other metal industries and foundry factories and research and academic centers. The outstanding advantages of Unique’s quantometer devices are introduced as follows:

               •      Ability to analyze all bases of metals (…, Fe, Al, Cu) in single and multi-base form

               •       Increasing the reproducibility and accuracy of the analysis results by using the vacuum pump system in the optical part of the device

               •      Calibration and recalibration with BRAMMER, BAS, ARMI MBH, NIST standard samples

               •      Fully specific determination of alloy programs, type and number of elements according to the manufacturing order

               •      Measurement of elements with high concentration such as B and N in iron base

               •       Optimum consumption of argon gas 5Lit/min only in the sparking section and moments.

               •      Simple operation and easy and available services

               •       1 year warranty period

               •       After sales service for 10 years

Software benefits

              •       Installing the software on Windows 7, 10

              •        Easy access to different parts of the software and increasing alloy groups related to working conditions

              •        Perform recalibration with only one sample

              •         Very accurate standardization of analysis based on standard samples using the Type Standard method

             •         Instant control and display of parameters related to spectrometer and electronic boards and vacuum value (STATUS)

             •        Easy access to analysis results, save and convert to EXCEL and PDF formats

            •         Has different levels of access to the software

            •        The possibility of entering grade tables (steel key and…) for different bases (…, Fe, Al, Cu)

Technical Specifications

•       Identification of elements in the wavelength range of 140-870nm

•       Optical system equipped with high-resolution CMOS detector

•       Controlled vacuum system in spectrometer environment 6-10Pa

•       Spark digital power supply with frequency 100-800Hz and maximum current 80A (CCS source with current control capability)

•       Adjustable holder for samples with different dimensions

•       Special kit for small and wire samples

General information