XRD Analyzer

The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) method is very important because it is a direct method for determining the type of phases and crystal structure of materials. In fact, the progress of the last seventy years of phase identification, mineralogy and crystallography has depended on the discovery of the X-ray diffraction method.

ARL-Equinox 1000

ARL-Equinox 1000


Desktop XRD analyzer made by Thermo Scientific, America, equipped with a 3500 watt tube and a water cooler

Using the radiation arrangement with an angle of 120 degrees Ө-Ө to solve problems related to prototyping and sample movement.

It has very powerful software for fuzzy matching and quantitative analysis

Equipped with Thin Film system and Spinner for analysis of powder samples

Use of 6 or 12 sample replacement system





XRD analyzer made by Thermo Scientific, America

Using the Ө-Ө radiation arrangement to solve problems related to prototyping and sample movement

Using Si (Li) detector to eliminate many interfering spectra

Making the right match between intensity and resolution

It has an automatic system for adjusting the height of the sample

Equipped with very powerful software for fuzzy matching and quantitative analysis

Ability to install High Temperature and Thin Film side systems

Equipped with a 12 sample exchange system



Desktop XRD analyzer made by Unisantis, Germany

Equipped with a 50 watt tube, no need for a water cooler

Using polycapillary lens for maximum use of tube power

Using a radiation arrangement with an angle of 3-122 degrees Ө-Ө

No need for sample preparation

Equipped with Spinner system to analyze powder samples
